Here is the secret:
The cross
points to THAT
which cannot be crucified.
It reminds us of Who We Truly Are –
prior to the story of time and space.
In this place of raw presence, the bride and the bridegroom, the father and the son, time and the timeless, emptiness and form, even life and death are merely imaginary mental opposites, swimming in a love and a silence and a wholeness beyond comprehension, which we may refer to as ‘God’.
Or we may simply keep silent.
The wild torture of the cross
sucks the separate self into
its infinitely calm centre.
The crucifixion, understood in its deeper spiritual and mythological sense, points beyond psychology and even theology, to this ultimate invitation to awaken from separation; in other words, to die to all that is false, and in the midst of that devastation, to discover the eternal Life that we are.
Call it ‘God’ or call it ‘awareness’ or call it nothing at all, it really doesn’t matter at all.
We all live our own crucifixion! We all face ruin and ridicule and despair and the loss of the image. Nobody escapes the trials of life. Nobody can divide themselves from the river of humanity, as the Buddha taught.
The only question is, what is our relationship to this existence? Can we “lovingly give ourselves up to the torment”? Can we be “joined forever” to ourselves, with “peace beyond understanding”?
Can we see that death itself is not something to fear, but a dear friend reminding us of the preciousness of our very existence?
Can we begin to find inner acceptance even in the midst of the utterly unacceptable moments?
Can we die and be reborn…
in every Now?
– Jeff Foster
FOTOGRAFIE mit Lah von Löwenstern
